NAS National Achievement Survey Exam to 3 TO 8 OLD QUESTION PAPERS
NCERT NAS National Achievement Survey Exam to 3 TO 8 Previous Questionnaire
Guidelines for the National Achievement Survey (NAS)
The NAS Cell The CBSE, Delhi Heads of the Sampled Schools selected for NAS 2021 are expected to cooperate with the Survey Team in accordance with the list of obligations outlined here.
(In due course, a district-by-district list of sample schools will be shared with DNOs/DLCs.)
NAS National Achievement Survey Exam to 3 TO 8 OLD QUESTION PAPERS
1. Ensure that the school is operational on November 12, 2021.
2. Ensure that no other activities (such as an annual function, sports day, cultural event, etc.) are scheduled for November 12, 2021.
3. As the Head of School, ensure your presence as well as the presence of your teachers.
4. The Survey Team will notify the grade level in which the National Achievement Survey (NAS) will be administered in the school.
The State Nodal Officer, District Nodal Officer, and DLC will also be notified.
5. The survey team is made up of an observer and a field investigator (FI),
6. By 7:30 a.m., the Field Investigator (FI) will report to the assigned sample school.
7. The observer will arrive at the assigned sample school at 8:30 a.m. (after collecting the NAS Sealed packets)
8. Show the Survey team the attendance registers from the sampled Grade(s) and confirm the number of Sections running in Grade (s)
9. Assist the survey team in locating a suitable room (preferably larger) for seating 30 students (Sampled Batch). The room should ideally be on the ground floor and should have adequate benches and lighting.
10. Assist the Survey Team by providing one or two tables and chairs for their work, as well as white sheets.
11. Arrange for a scribe for any children with special needs (CWSN) in the sampled batch, if necessary.
12. Complete the School Questionnaire (SQ) and provide complete and factual data as requested.
13. Ensure Teacher Discipline and Non-Interference in the Survey
14. Survey includes Achievement Test (AT) and Pupil Questionnaire (PQ) which are to attempted and filled by the students of thesample batch. Sample batch standard size is 30.
15. Students must stay back for filling of PQ. For Grade-3 and 5, the FI would assist and help in filling of the OMRS.
16 FIs would get things done in an interactive manner. Student may use their own HB Pencil/Pen for the Survey.
17. After the PQ is completed, the scholars may be allowed to leave
.18 The questions asked/ response sought in PQ, TQ and SQ must be handed completely and grounded on factual position as that will
NAS National Achievement Survey Exam to 3 TO 8 OLD QUESTION PAPERS
. add to the data trustability for this nationally significant check
19 No OMR or Question folder should be retained or kept back in the academy.
20 All Pamphlets will be collected back by the FI/ Observer ( check platoon) and packed as per procedure.
21 After the Survey, FI/ Observer would complete the quilting and the Observer would leave for depositing the NAS papers to the designated centre.
NAS National Achievement Survey Exam to 3 TO 8 OLD QUESTION PAPERS