SSA Gujarat School of Excellence 252 Teachers Recruitment 2021
SSA Gujarat School of Excellence Teachers Recruitment 2021
It is good oppurtunity for the candidates who are seeking for teacher job
Candidate may refer advertisement for the more details and adviced to read advertisement and noticification carefully
SSA Gujarat School of Excellence Teachers Recruitment 2021
IMPORTANT LINK FOR SSA Gujarat School of Excellence 252 Teachers Recruitment 2021
Looking Outward, Thinking Forward
Providing America’s schools with experienced, dedicated cultural ambassadors
After the attacks of September 11th, our country was angry, scared, and confused, and some even took their anger out on immigrant communities. Our founder, Jay Kumar, sought to educate Americans on the many cultures of South Asians. While he personally toured Houston spreading this message, he realized another way to affect change was to help bring this mission of education to the classroom. Additionally, teachers from other countries could learn about America, advance their careers, and help educate their countrymen when they go back. USA Employment, based in Houston, has provided experienced, certified international teachers to school districts in multiple regions throughout the United States. Leveraging its deep roots in multiple international markets, USA Employment provides school districts access to experienced, credentialed international teachers of various cultural backgrounds.
Teachers Hired in America
It all began when USA Employment brought two batches of teachers to Texas to demonstrate the quality of the program and demystify the idea of international teacher recruitment.
By offering schools multiple options to interview teachers, USA Employment has successfully placed teachers nationwide. School district representatives have traveled overseas to recruit in person. We will organize cultural events and tours so your administrators can experience first hand what makes our candidates’ culture unique.
Another option is for principals to hire teachers using videoconference and phone/Web cam technology, without leaving the comfort of their own office. Teachers have since been hired for schools of all sizes, in urban, suburban and rural areas. The program has been featured in print, online and broadcast media.
Just as some administrators choose to visit their candidates’ home country and get a taste of a different way of life, just imagine what your students could learn being exposed to a cultural ambassador all year long! Our teachers can take the lesson plans and make them come alive. In history they can introduce more detail about empires and stories about leaders their students may not have heard of before. In English they can supplement their literature with poems from their home country as well as new vocabulary words that can better encapsulate an idea. In Biology and Ecology our teachers can introduce unique flora and fauna of their homelands as well as ecosystems that may not be familiar to their students. Our teachers can create new interest in their subjects and current events with their unique backgrounds.
Cultural Exchange Visa & Relocation
USA Employment will obtain J-1 Cultural Exchange visas for each teacher and visas for their dependents (spouse and all unmarried children under age 21). Each teacher quickly immigrates to America to begin teaching; or they come later at the request of the host school.
USA Employment has the designated authority to process the J-1 Cultural Exchange visa. It takes less than three weeks from the date of hire until the teacher is in the classroom.
School districts have been pleased with USA Employment’s ongoing assistance in helping the teachers obtain housing, social security numbers, driver’s licenses, automobiles and credit loans, among other important relocation and acclimation tasks.
Assisting America’s School Districts
USA Employment’s ongoing informational seminars in other countries attract hundreds of interested and qualified candidates who enroll in our cultural exchange program.
USA Employment has the infrastructure in place in multiple countries to coordinate ongoing phone or Skype interviews.
USA Employment has a successful track record of pre-screening candidates for English communication skills (written, spoken & comprehension), as well as subject area knowledge and overall dedication to the teaching profession.
Portrait of a teacher candidate in USA Employment’s program
Requirements for entry in USA Employment’s Cultural Exchange Program:
Excellent English communication skills (written, spoken and comprehension).
A bachelor of education degree (B.Ed.) plus an undergraduate degree in their subject area. Most teachers have master’s degrees or Ph.D.s.
More than 3 years of classroom experience.
Deep understanding and passion for their subject area and grade level.
Completed credential report by an accredited entity.
Teacher Certification
Each teacher in our program will enter your school as an “out-of-country certified” teacher. Each teacher has agreed to become fully certified in the state in which they are hired as soon as possible. Most teachers hired thus far have scored 90 percent or higher on their state certification examinations. All teachers in our program will gladly adhere to the existing hiring or emergency certification-related policies and procedures for out-of-country certified teachers as defined by a particular school district, state or region to meet compliance regulations.
English Language Proficiency
The medium of instruction in India is ENGLISH (USA Employment’s strongest concentration of teachers currently is in India). Students are taught in all subjects using the English language, beginning in preschool and continuing through the universities. Many teachers in USA Employment’s program are trilingual or multilingual (French, German, Spanish, Japanese, Italian, Arabic, etc.)
Classroom Management
A prevailing theory suggests that American students are the most difficult for teachers to handle. USA Employment is confident that, as your district’s recruiters learn more about the teaching systems in India and other countries, you will agree that international teachers possess excellent classroom management skills.
Remote Recruiting– Phone interviews, Videoconference
USA Employment provides recruiters with access to short video resumes.
USA Employment will coordinate videoconference sessions for administrators, principals and/or recruiters to interview teachers.
Phone interviews can be conducted from your home or office to our teachers abroad.
Due to any time differences, it is preferred that all videoconference and phone interviews occur in the morning. However, teachers in USA Employment’s program are not opposed to interviewing ‘around the clock’ to meet recruiters’ demanding schedules.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should American schools consider international teacher recruitment?
Our international teachers have a different culture and world view to share with their students. They can help demystify the exotic, dispel stereotypes, and broaden minds by being cultural ambassadors. Our teachers can help build bridges between cultures as well as help students examine their own preconceived notions. In a time where there is so much misunderstanding and division, our teachers can help their students appreciate the value of diversity and be more comfortable with difference. Once our teachers return to their home country, they educate their colleagues and students about US cultures and customs.
Our teachers are passionate about teaching and want to share their culture with their students. Many young people don’t understand cultures they have not been exposed to and only know stereotypes. Our teachers can dispel those stereotypes by exposing their students to different cultures in a fun way that ties in their lesson plans. The students can also share their traditions, religion, holidays, and culture with each other. This is ‘jigsaw’-style is the best kind of learning where each student gets to feel important in contributing to the class’ interactive learning! Also in many ways our teachers understand where their students are coming from. Across America, in large urban districts significant percentages of their population are economically disadvantaged. In Houston ISD alone, this amounts to 77%. These teachers understand and have experience with children of poverty.
How can I be assured this teacher will meet our hiring guidelines?
USA Employment implements rigorous screening and selection criteria: a reliable tool to predict teacher retention and success. This offers an additional guarantee that the teacher is pre-screened for all the school’s requirements.
Many schools recruit candidates fresh out of school that have only had a brief internship. Our candidates have had experience teaching large classes for years—some have even had 25 years experience! Some schools also use excellent teachers who are not trained in the field they now teach. Our teachers on the other hand are specialists in their subject or subjects (such as many types of science). We only accept teachers with a Bachelor’s degree in Education as well as a Bachelor’s degree in their field. Our teacher’s certification will be recognized before they begin work in their respective state.
What costs are involved to our school district?
Absolutely none… at any time! The teacher candidate is paying all costs and expenses involved. Any costs or fees paid by your school district will lessen the financial burden on the hired teacher.
How does USA Employment make its money?
USA Employment receives its agency fee from the teacher, only after the teacher is hired and relocated to America. All teachers accepted into USA Employment’s program must demonstrate their financial ability to effectively relocate upon being hired.
What is the hiring process?
USA Employment goes to great lengths to ensure that the hiring process for your school is efficient and effective. In all cases, USA Employment will cover any recruitment costs not covered by your school’s recruiting budget. Some smaller school districts may want to “pool” resources and send one or more experienced, well-respected recruiters overseas to interview, short-list and/or select teachers on behalf of all parties. Remote recruiting can be done by any school of any size, anywhere in America , using phone, videoconference and/or web-cam interview methods.
Who is responsible for relocating and settling the teacher in America?
USA Employment has an ongoing orientation and acclimation program that enables our teachers to adapt quickly to their new surroundings and feel empowered to begin living the American dream. We provide assistance in obtaining housing, transportation and cultural integration for each teacher. We introduce our teachers to the many social, cultural, civic and religious organizations in each region’s international community. We prefer working with districts that possess strong mentor programs and demonstrate administrative and site-based support for our teachers to ensure a positive experience.
What happens if we are forced to terminate a teacher for any reason?
Any teacher found incapable or incompetent can be terminated. These teachers should not be treated any differently than local teachers in regards to employment policies and procedures. Each teacher enters our program understanding that their opportunity in America is contingent upon their success and the district’s satisfaction with their performance. If only minor remediation is required, we will work hard to equip the teacher with the skills necessary to succeed. If that is not possible, the teacher will return to their home country.