Notification Fiducation Department Sachivalaya Gandhinagar Dated the 12 January, 2021 Gujarat Primary Education Act, 1947 No.CII / SII SPRE 1115 / SU / F / 11 / K. In exercise of the powers conferred by sub – section
(3) of the section 23 of the Gujarat Primary Education Act, 1947 (Bom. LXI of 1947), the Government of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Head Teacher, Class til in the Directorate of Primary Education District Primary Education Committees and Municipal Primary Education Committee Recruitment Rules, 2016, namely: 1 These rules may be called the Head Teacher, Class III, in the Directorate of Primary Education District Primary Education Committees and Municipal Primary Education Committee Recruitment (Amendment) Rules, 2021 2 In the Head Teacher, Class III, in the Directorate of Primary Education District Primary Education Committees and Municipal Primary I ducation Committee Recruitment Rules, 2016, (hereinafter referred to as the said rules “) in rule 2. in clause (a), item (iii) shall be deleted 3. In the said rules, in rule 3, in clause (a