(a) Age limit for the posts of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant is 18 – 27 years
(b) Age limit for the posts of Postman/Mail Guard is 18 – 27 years.
(c) Age limit for the posts of Multi Tasking Staff is 18 – 25 years.
Permissible relaxation in upper age limit for different categories are as per describes in noticification
I. Postal and Sorting Assistant
a) The candidate must have passed 12th standard or equivalent examination from a recognized university or Board of School Education or Board of Secondary Education.
b) The candidates of higher qualifications will also be considered but they have to fulfill the above conditions. There will be no preference for higher educational qualifications.
c) The candidate will be required to furnish certificate of Basic Computer Training from a recognized Computer Training Institute before issuance of appointment letter. Computer Training Certificates from Central Government / State Government / University / Board etc.will also be acceptable for the purpose. This requirementof Basic Computer Knowledge Certificate is relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in Matriculation or Class XII or Higher educational qualification and in such cases a separate certificate will not be insisted upon.
d) Sports qualification as per para 11 below.
II. Postman/Mail Guard
a) The candidate must have passed 12th Standard from a recognized Board of School
Education or Board of Secondary Education.
b) The candidates of higher qualifications will also be considered but they have to fulfill the above conditions. There will be no preference for higher educational qualifications.
c) The candidate will be required to furnish certificate of Basic Computer Training from a recognized Computer Training Institute before issuance of appointment letter. Computer Training Certificates from Central Government / State Government / University / Board etc.will also be acceptable for the purpose. This requirement of Basic Computer Knowledge Certificate is relaxable in cases where a candidate has studied computer as a subject in Matriculation or Class XII or Higher educational qualification and in such cases a separate certificate will not be insisted upon.
d) Knowledge of Local Language i.e., Marathi in respect of Maharashtra State and Konkani in respect of Goa State. The candidate should have passed a paper of local language at least upto 10th standard . i.e.
i. Marathi in respect of Maharashtra State and
ii. Konkani or Marathi in respect of Goa State
e) The person appointed to the post of Postman shall acquire a driving licence to drive two wheeler or three wheeler or Light Motor Vehicle within a period of two years from the date of his appointment. However, the person with disability shall be exempted from the requirement of driving licence.
i. The candidate not having valid driving licence at the time of appointment shall not earn periodical increment in pay till production of such licence or for a period of five years from the date of appointment whichever is earlier and after production of such licence or expiry of such five years period, pay shall be restored prospectively to the level pay would have reached as if periodical increment in pay was not withheld and no arrears shall be paid for the intervening period.
f) Sports qualification as per para 11 below
III. Multi Tasking Staff
a) The candidate must have passed 10th Standard from a recognized Boardof School Education or Board of Secondary Education.
b) The candidates of higher qualifications will also be considered but they have to fulfill the above conditions. There will be no preference for higher educational qualifications.
c) The candidate should have knowledge of working on computer.
d) Knowledge of Local Language i.e., Marathi in respect of Maharashtra State and Konkani in respect of Goa State. The candidate should have passed a paper of local language at least upto 10th standard. i.e.
i. Marathi in respect of Maharashtra State and
ii. Konkani or Marathi in respect of Goa State
e) Sports qualification as per para11 below.
Note in respect of educational Qualifications :
(i) As per Ministry of Human Resource Development Notification dated 10.06.2015published in Gazette of India, all the degrees / diplomas / certificates awarded throughOpen and Distance Learning mode of education by the Universities established by anAct of Parliament or State Legislature, Institutions Deemed to be Universities underSection-3 of the University Grant Commission Act, 1956 and Institutions of NationalImportance declared under an Act of Parliament stand automatically recognized forthe purpose of employment to posts and services under the Central Governmentprovided they have been approved by the University Grants Commission.
(ii) Candidates must possess essential educational qualification from recognizedBoard/University before applying for the posts.
(iii) Candidates have to scan and upload the images of original certificates.
(iv) Applicants having both marks and Grades in the mark list shall enter the marksonly. If any applicant applies with Grades his application will be liable fordisqualification.
(v) Applicants having only the Grades / Points in the marks list shall note theGrades in respective column. The marks will be reckoned by taking conversionof Grades/ Points with the multiplication factor (9.5) against the maximumpoints or Grade as 100.