It is organized by Ministry of Human Resource and Development, Government of India. It is a centrally sponsored scheme. Under this scheme scholarship is awarded to 1,00,000 students (at National level) selected at the end of class VIII. The objective of the scheme is to award scholarship to meritorious students belonging to economically weaker sections to encourage them to continue their studies till Class XII.
Exam Date : Around 1st week of November
Eligibility Criteria
1. Must have scored 55% and above marks in Class VII examination (in the academic session ) and has been promoted to class VIII (in the academic session ). There is 5% relaxation in marks for reserved category
2 Must be studying in Government, Local body and Private aided Schools only
3 Parental income from all sources should not exceed than Rs. 1, 50,000/- per annum
4 Parental Income Certificate issued by Govt. Employer in case the parents are Govt. Employees and affidavit attested from Magistrate/Notary in case the parents are in any private service / job has to be attached with the form
5 Parental Income Certificate issued by Govt. Employer in case the parents are Govt. Employees and affidavit attested from Magistrate/Notary in case the parents are in any private service / job has to be attached with the form
Exam Structure
1 The examination consists of two parts, namely (a) Mental Ability Test (MAT) and (b) Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) covering Science, Social Sciences and Mathematics of classes VII and VIII level.
2 Each test has 100 questions.
3 Each question carries one mark.