From, Principal, District Education and Training Bhavan, all. Subject: Science, Mathematics and Environment Exhibition 2020-21 Compliments on the above subject to state that as per the instruction received from NCERT ‘, New Delhi, Science Mathematics Exhibition is to be organized this year also.
In this regard, the names of the main subject and sub-subject have been received from NCERT, New Delhi. Which you are told with this. Detailed guidance and planning for preparing the models will be reported later. All schools from the SIP level will take the necessary action to report these topics. The Life Education and Secondary Teacher Examination will also provide detailed information on these topics. :
– “Technology and Toys” Sub – chames:
1. Eco Friendly Material
2. Health, Hygiene and Cleanliness
3. Interactive Software
4. Historical Development
5. Mathematical Modeling (Note: Sub – themes listed above are suggestive.
Vigyan ganit pradarshan 2021 gr date 26/11/2020 GCERT DOWNLAOD